We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operate in 185 countries worldwide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value and service. We will continue to grow to meet the needs of all our customers, delivering a service beyond all expectation anywhere in the world.

Please note, due to COVID-19, many shipping companies are still prioritizing the shipments and receiving of emergency and necessary medical equipment. This could mean that your package may be slightly delayed in some cases. We hope you understand, as this is something completely out of our control and will do our best to accommodate your business. 

Our handling time takes 1-3 business days, then orders are handed over to our shipping partners. Our shipping times are dependent on where you live. 

Orders shipped within the US will take 4-13 business days to arrive. For international orders, it can take between 6-15 business days for your product to arrive.

Do you provide tracking information? 
Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contains your tracking information. If you haven’t received tracking info within 4 days, please contact us.

A local carrier will deliver your package to you, it may be USPS or FedEx.

Note: We will not be responsible for parcel sent due to incorrect or inaccurate address. If your order already has been processed then we can't make any changes to the address or change the course of the parcel. If this happens, we won't be able to send you another product parcel or make a refund.

We will not be responsible for lost or stolen packages that is marked delivered by the courier.